I have chopped-up this great photo into sections so that people on less than high speed can see parts of it.  The full photo is at the bottom of this page.  The above photo is of course the Mound area.  As you can see, there's not much on "D" Street yet.  Just off to the left is Frankenbergers, which can be seen in the full photo near the bottom of this page.


The Naval Ordinance Plant


Old Lock 6


The early Carbide Plant area


North Charleston across the river from Blaine Island.


Blaine Island.  Look closely and you can see the C&O bridge in the background which was built in 1907.  The Patrick Street Bridge wouldn't be built until 1932.  I have a friend who used to get watermelons from the island,  where it was said that they were the best in the valley due to the river soil.



Warning: The full panoramic is 4 megs. Better have high speed!


Photo Courtesy Of Watson Picture Framing



Newspaper Ad from 1916


NOTE: As I didn't grow up in South Charleston, I cant add much more information to this photo. If you can, please write me and I'll add it to this page.  Below are some


South Charleston Resident Tom Booher makes the following comments:

Blaine Island... Once owned by the 1st settler in Kanawha valley, Fleming Cobb. Cobb was known to have grown watermelons on this island. Cobb must had no vision of the future of Kanawha valley, he traded this island for (2) flintlock pistols. He also shot and killed the last (2) known indians in this area. The late Eugene Cobb (Reberto Cobbs father) told me in 1957 he knew the man that had these (2) flintlock pistols that Fleming had traded for the island.

Lock 6 .......I believe this was also the location of a Naval reserve headquarters in the 1950's. I remember there was a small navy ship based there. I do remember a few of the old Carbide brass emloyee's wore their naval officers uniforms on ocassions while at work.


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