Big Star Supermarket

Big Star Supermarket

The Big Star Supermarket opened on Bigley Ave in 1957 after opening stores in the surrounding area. The first store opened in Whitesville in 1950 by the Joseph brothers and William Hamady. Ameen Joseph Sr was one of the oldest residents in Cabin Creek, opened his first General Store at Eskdale in 1907, after arriving there in 1903. Joe & Fred Joseph were born there and helped in the store. The "Food Haven" name, (The Joseph's business name) became attached to other stores in the area by 1954, including Tamplins Market in Racine, Kanawha Terrace Supermarket in St Albans, Central Supermarket in Nitro, Williams Supermarket in Marmet, Food Haven Super Market in Eskdale, and also Whitesville, and finally Hudson Brothers in Costa WV. (if you've ever been to Costa WV in Boone County, you'd find it hard to believe a store was there). By 1957, Charleston had its on Big Star, under the Food Haven umbrella. Family members still operated a wonderful supermarket just a stones throw from the old Big Star, which is now called Piggley Wiggley on Spring Street.

The Big Star Supermarket

Stores in 1954 under the "Food Haven" umbrella.

The Big Star Supermarket

Big Star

TODAY - Under the Piggley Wiggley brand.

Big Star

Big Star

Top photo courtesy of Carl Agsten

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